Ready to live a healthier life? Working on your health one step at a time? …
Dr. Laura Imola1 January 2018
Is yogurt a source of probiotics? Check out Dr. Laura's recent video to hear the…
Dr. Laura Imola18 August 2017
It takes one to know one... Dr. Laura talks allergies. An allergy sufferer no more,…
Dr. Laura Imola3 August 2017
Looking to spruce up your skin as you get ready for the warmer season? Dr.…
Dr. Laura Imola29 May 2017
A new video with health tips from Dr. Laura Imola! Eat more veg with less…
Dr. Laura Imola27 April 2017
Our WIN Niagara Naturopath Dr. Laura Imola and her good friend, Felice Valvano of Valvano…
Dr. Laura Imola23 February 2017
Yoga with Dr. Laura Imola at Zen House Get your day started with an Ommmm…
Dr. Laura Imola25 January 2017
By WIN Contributor: Shauna Pierrynowski, PTA, RNCP As Dr. Nick wrote in his last blog…
Dr. Laura Imola17 January 2017