

niagara falls and font hill physiotherapy clinic

Winter Wellness for the Soul: Non-Resolutions to Start the Year Right

The start of a new year often comes with big promises: "This is the year I’ll work out every day, eat only kale, and finally get my life together!" Sound familiar? But what if you skipped the resolutions this time around? Instead lean into gentle, soul-nourishing that creates space and time to recharge. Find Joy...

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The Synergy of Naturopathy and Chiropractic Care: A Holistic Path to Pain Relief

When it comes to managing pain and improving overall health, many people are turning to holistic approaches that consider the body as a whole, rather than just treating symptoms. Two increasingly popular modalities, naturopathy and chiropractic care, work wonderfully together to provide a comprehensive, natural path to pain relief and wellness. Naturopathy: A Root-Cause Approach...

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Hydration and Nutrition for Healthy Joints and Mobility

Maintaining healthy joints and optimal mobility is essential for leading an active and fulfilling life. While Physiotherapy and naturopathic medicine plays a critical role in addressing joint issues and through improving mobility, proper hydration and nutrition are foundational to supporting joint health. This blog explores how a well-balanced diet and adequate hydration, in addition to...

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Summertime Reset: Balancing Work and Wellness

Summer in the Niagara Region is a time of natural beauty, outdoor activities, and vibrant community events. The longer days and warm weather provide the perfect opportunity to focus on both mental and physical health. Enjoying the outdoors and soaking up natural sunlight are essential for our well-being, making it the ideal season to reassess...

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The Rise of Pickleball in Niagara: Staying Injury-Free While Enjoying Canada's Fastest Growing Sport

Pickleball is sweeping across Canada, captivating hearts and energizing communities with its engaging mix of tennis, badminton, and table tennis elements. In Niagara, the sport's popularity has soared, with new courts popping up to accommodate growing interest. This fast-paced game attracts players of all ages, offering a fun, competitive way to stay active. However, with...

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Easing Into Spring: Physiotherapy Tips for Regaining Mobility

As winter's chill fades and the flowers bloom, a natural urge takes hold – the desire to get moving! After months of limited outdoor activity, spring inspires us to shake off the sluggishness and embrace the warmer weather. However, for those who have experienced reduced activity levels or injuries, jumping back into a full-fledged exercise...

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Natural Ways To Manage Anxiety

By WIN Provider: Dr. Helen Kim, Naturopathic Doctor   Anxiety has become more prevalent in our fast-paced world. While medical interventions can be crucial for severe cases, many individuals with mild to moderate anxiety might benefit from exploring natural methods to manage their symptoms. In this blog, we'll delve into the most researched and effective...

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How To Rest & Reset Your Body

By WIN Provider: Dr. Ernie Bagnulo, Chiropractor   When do we know we need a break?  Do you know when you need to rest and reset your body? Our bodies are innately intelligent to let us know when we need a rest or a break to reset, recover and refocus. Signs We Need A Break...

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Chiropractic Treatment of Vertigo using Epley Maneuver: A Convincing Solution

By WIN Provider: Dr. Greg Lamb, Chiropractor Vertigo is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a type of dizziness that makes you feel like you are spinning or the world around you is spinning. Causes of Vertigo Vertigo can be caused by various factors such as inner ear problems, head...

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Entering the Zone for Mental Focus

By WIN Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor Have you ever experienced those moments when you are completely absorbed in a task, your mind fully focused, and time seems to fly by?   This state of intense concentration is often referred to as being "in the zone" or experiencing a flow state.   It is a...

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Why Visit A Chiropractor?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Lauryn Friesen, Chiropractor Why visit a chiropractor?  Our WIN Health Chiropractors can help with so much more than just back pain. Chiropractors are spine, muscle, joint and nervous system experts.   AREAS CHIROPRACTIC CAN HELP This means we can help people with injuries to their: - Feet - Ankle - Knee...

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Physiotherapy Improves Speed

By  WIN Provider: Jeff Dill, Physiotherapist Speed – Part 1 in a Series on How to Improve Speed (Walking / Running)   Speed. It’s something that we, as humans, love to measure. What child hasn’t tried to race a friend to see “who’s faster”. But speed is also important in other ways, including reducing mortality...

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Neubie Therapy and Chiropractic

By Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor Neubie therapy and chiropractic can have great benefits when combined.  As a healthcare professional, I am excited to share the numerous benefits of direct current stimulation with the Neubie device. It can impact inter-regional dependency with respect to musculoskeletal movements. Direct current stimulation, or DCS, has been shown to enhance...

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Physiotherapy Manual Therapy

By Mandeep Singh Sethi, Physiotherapist Physiotherapy manual therapy is the “hands-on” treatment provided in physiotherapy appointments. Manual therapy has a long history within the profession of physiotherapy. Physiotherapists have greatly contributed to the current diversity in manual therapy approaches and techniques. Contemporary research reveals intricate neurophysiologic mechanisms are also at play and the beneficial psychological...

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Perimenopause and Menopause

By WIN Provider: Dr. Helen Kim, Naturopathic Doctor During perimenopause and menopause, your body experiences decreases in estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries, which results in the end of menstruation. This gradual process has a variety of symptoms that can negatively impact daily life.  These include insomnia, hot flashes, mood disorders, cognitive decline, weight gain,...

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Neubie: A Cutting Edge Treatment

by WIN Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor Did you know at our WIN Health Performance Center, in Niagara Falls, my colleagues and I offer a treatment option called the Neubie from Neufit. Our clinic is among the very few in Canada to be professionally trained by Neufit to provide this treatment. As a healthcare professional, I...

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Chiropractic Care and Nasal Breathing

By WIN Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor   There are numerous health benefits in nasal breathing for both overall health and sport performance. Chiropractic therapy can help improve breathing by correcting postural imbalances impacting breathing mechanics. When the spine is not in correct alignment, it can affect the functioning of the diaphragm, the main muscle...

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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy

By WIN Provider: Dr. Greg Lamb, Chiropractor The benefits of Chiropractic care for pregnancy supports the transformative journey for expectant mothers, by addressing the physical discomforts often experienced. With its focus on optimizing spinal health and nervous system function, chiropractic care during pregnancy provides numerous benefits that enhance both the mother's well-being and the overall...

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The Benefits of Walking

By WIN Health Provider: Dr. Lauryn Friesen, Chiropractor Walking is one of the most accessible and simplest forms of exercise, with so many health benefits. It is a low-impact form of physical activity that has a multitude of benefits for both physical and mental health. I catch myself several times per day encouraging people to...

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Naturopathic Medicine and Skin Health

By WIN Health Provider: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor Did you know Naturopathic Medicine can help with your skin health.  Naturopathic Doctors think of health holistically.  For skin conditions, there is always underlying causes that lead to expression on the skin. Topicals, over the counter or prescribed medication, rarely lead to resolution of skin conditions. ...

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Are You Ready For Golf Season?

By WIN Health Provider: Mandeep Singh Sethi, Physiotherapist Golfer’s elbow, known medically as medial epicondylitis, is a form of tendonitis that causes pain and inflammation in the tendons connecting your forearm and elbow. When you repeatedly use your wrist and arm to bend, grasp or twist things, your tendons develop tiny tears that can cause...

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Spring Running and Strength Training

By WIN Health Provider: Jeffrey Dill, Physiotherapist It’s that time of year: The weather’s getting warmer, the flowers are blooming, and people will be putting on their running shoes to hit the roads! If this sounds familiar, then this short blog is for you! As a runner, I’ve had my share of running injuries, which...

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3 Back Pain Exercises

By WIN Health Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor Low back pain can be debilitating - limiting mobility and interrupting daily life. Unfortunately, back pain is all too common, with up to 80% of adults experiencing it at some point in their lives. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent and reduce low back pain. One effective...

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What Is Sound Massage

By WIN Provider: Melissa Schumacher   WIN is now offering Sound Massage!  Do you wonder what sound massage is and how sound massage can help you in your health? There are multiple definitions of sound according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: as a Noun: mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a material medium...

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Navigating Holiday Stress

By WIN Provider: Dr. Greg Lamb, Chiropractor While the holidays are meant to be a time filled with family, happiness and cheer, it often comes with a need to navigate holiday stress when our normal routines are thrown off. This change in routine can lead to unwanted pressure and cause depressive feelings over the holiday....

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Have Your Massage

By: Hydee Zanatta, WIN Patient Experience Coordinator I took my shoes off and prepared to settle down for a relaxing massage appointment. I hadn’t been for a massage in what felt like years; life was always popping up and throwing curve balls and I just couldn’t justify the time away. I settled in, draped myself...

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Does Form Matter?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor   This topic is a very common discussion at the clinic, and it is a loaded question. The short answer is YES form does matter.   It matters in many aspects of our physical health from posture related concerns, strength, endurance, and flexibility training.   But…. does that...

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3 Ways To Optimize Fertility

By Dr. Helen Kim, Naturopathic Doctor Preconception health is vital in setting the foundations for healthy pregnancy and birth. Whether you are planning to conceive next year or already working with a fertility clinic, there are ways you can increase your chances. Here are 3 simple ways you can increase your fertility chances:   Fiber...

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SMART Goal Setting

By WIN Provider: Dr. Conner Overstrom, Chiropractor As 2022 gradually comes to a close, many people will often want to make a change in the new year. A lot of times this change comes in the way of a health change.  It could be that you want to lose weight, start an exercise routine, live...

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Physiotherapy and Athletic Recovery

By WIN Provider: Mandeep Singh Sethi, Physiotherapist Return-to-play (RTP) is a multifactorial process of retuning an injured athlete back to competition when risk for re-injury is minimized. “Return to play” refers to the point in recovery from an injury when a person is able to return to playing sports or participating in an activity at a...

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Chiropractic Myths

By WIN Provider: Dr. Greg Lamb, Chiropractor There are many chiropractic myths and misconceptions. In this post, Dr. Greg goes over chiropractic myths. 1. There is no evidence to support the effectiveness of chiropractic care The chiropractic profession and others have contributed to funding studies that focus on the effects of manual therapy on musculoskeletal...

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Mindset & Recovery

By WIN Provider: Jeff Dill, Physiotherapist   Mentally tough. Go-getter. Optimistic.  Glass half full. Have any of these terms been used to describe you or your personality? If they have, you are probably the kind of individual who always tries to find the positive in a situation and doesn’t give up in the face of...

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Chiropractic and Headaches

By WIN Provider: Dr. Lauryn Friesen, Chiropractor Did you know that chiropractic can help with headaches? There are three common types of headaches: cervicogenic headaches, tension-type headaches and migraines. All three of these types of headaches can benefit from chiropractic care.   What is a cervicogenic headache? A cervicogenic headache is a headache coming from...

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Chiropractic and Stress Management

By WIN Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor   Do you wonder how chiropractic helps stress management? All aspects of your health concerns or conditions can fall under the broad umbrella of stress. Stress is essentially the culminating aspect of your life that weighs itself on our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.   The stress response...

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Massage Myths

By WIN Provider: Chelsea Werner, Registered Massage Therapist   Massage therapy has been used for centuries to help manage pain, increase range of motion, and improve overall quality of life. In fact, massage therapy dates so far back in history that evidence of its practice has been found in Egyptian tombs and ancient Chinese medical...

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Personal Training Helps Recovery

By WIN Provider: Joshua Janssen, Personal Trainer & Clinician Assistant Did you know that personal training can help your recovery? The recovery process isn’t over at the end of your appointment at WIN Health.  Recovery is an ongoing process and should be treated as such. If a WIN Health practitioner is treating you for low...

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Benefits of Naturopathic Medicine

By WIN Provider: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor   There are many health benefits that naturopathic medicine can provide.  You may think about naturopathic medicine and relate it to natural treatment options.  This is definitely one benefit, and there are a few more that you can benefit from.   Natural Treatment Options Naturopathic doctors can...

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Plant-Based Fitness

By WIN Provider: Joshua Janssen, Personal Trainer/Clinician Assistant Do you wonder about your plant based fitness & nutrient requirements? Many people wonder about protein intake on plant based diets. Making sure you are getting what you need in your diet will ensure you are supported. Nutrition & Fitness When it comes to nutrition and fitness......

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Acupuncture and Chiropractic

By WIN Provider: Dr. Conner Overstrom What is Acupuncture? Have you wondered how acupuncture and chiropractic can be combined in your plan? Acupuncture initially began as an ancient Chinese medicine technique using very thin needles inserted in strategic points in the body. Traditional Chinese medicine uses the technique to balance the flow of energy or...

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What Are Toe Spacers?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Jack Harman, Chiropractor Do you wonder what are toe spacers and if they are right for you? Toe spacers are exactly what they sound like; a device that spaces out your toes. This is called toe splay, and it is something that is sorely underestimated when dealing with lower body pain...

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What Is Kinesiology Tape

By WIN Provider: Dr. Greg Lamb, Chiropractor Do you wonder what is kinesiology tape?  Have you seen someone walking around your neighbourhood with bright coloured tape on their body? Have you ever wondered what the heck it is? Well, it was likely KT tape. Kinesiology Therapeutic tape is also known as KT tape. This is a...

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What Naturopathic Doctors Treat

By WIN Provider: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor   Do you wonder what Naturopathic Doctors treat?  A Naturopathic Doctor is a licensed health care provider that can assist you in your health in many ways. Our primary focus is teaching you how to live a healthy life and improve your health. If you are struggling...

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Nutrition For Injury Recovery

By WIN Provider: Dr. Conner Overstrom, Chiropractor   Nutrition for injury recovery is an important aspect of care.  This article will help review how you can utilize nutrition to help with recovery. Participation in sport is common among the human race. It is projected that everyday about 20% of the population engages in exercise or...

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Why Visit A Physiotherapist?

By WIN Provider: Mandeep Singh Sethi, Physiotherapist Do you wonder why visit a physiotherapist?  There are many reasons to visit a physiotherapist.  Our WIN Physiotherapist, Mandeep Sethi Singh, shares a number of reasons why visiting a physiotherapist can benefit you.   What is a physiotherapist’s expertise? Physiotherapists study the science of movement. They learn how...

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What Causes Shin Splints

By WIN Provider: Jeff Dill, Physiotherapist Do you wonder what causes shin splints?  When you start increasing your activity do you start to experience pain along the front of your lower leg, that is associated to shin splints? With the warm weather now here, more people are putting their running shoes on and hitting the...

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What Do Chiropractors Treat?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Greg Lamb, Chiropractor   Do you ever wonder what do chiropractors treat?  There are many conditions that chiropractors treat and the truth is, the list is very long. However, in today’s blog I will be going over what chiropractors treat and some of the most common conditions we see in our...

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What Does A Chiropractor Do?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Laura Custode, Chiropractor   Are you wondering what does a Chiropractor do?  Here’s an interaction I had with a patient recently: Patient: “I don’t think we can do acupuncture on my back today, Dr. Laura. I injured my shoulder this weekend and it hurts to lay on my stomach.” Dr. Laura:...

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Benefits of Massage Therapy

By WIN Provider: Chelsea Werner, RMT What are the benefits of Massage Therapy? If you’re stressed out and in pain, you may think there is nothing you can do but take some over-the-counter pain medication and push through your day.1 But WIN Registered Massage Therapist, Chelsea Werner, says you don’t have to grin and bear...

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How Often To Visit A Chiropractor?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor   How often do you need to visit a chiropractor?  This question becomes a loaded question, and it all comes down to, it depends. There are many reasons someone would choose to see a chiropractor, but the most common situation is pain.   Pain is usually the driving...

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What Is A Naturopathic Doctor?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor What is a Naturopathic Doctor?  How can Naturopathic Doctors help in a person's health?  Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) are licensed regulated health care providers that help people develop individualized treatment plans to address their concerns.   NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR - EDUCATION & TRAINING The training of a licensed Naturopathic...

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What to Expect from Chiropractic Manual Therapy

By WIN Provider: Dr. Conner Overstrom, Chiropractor   Do you wonder how chiropractors utilize manual therapy in their care and what you can expect from chiropractic manual therapy? After seven or eight years of post secondary education, chiropractors earn the badge of being musculoskeletal experts. This means that throughout our education, we have received intense...

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What Does A Physiotherapist Do?

By WIN Provider: Mandeep Singh Sethi, Physiotherapist Do you wonder if a physiotherapist can help you in your health and what does a physiotherapist do? Physiotherapy is a treatment to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient's mobility, function, and well-being. Physiotherapy helps through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness.   A...

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What is WINBACK TECAR Therapy?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Ernie Bagnulo, Chiropractor WIN altra Health Clinic offers many cutting edge treatment options.  The WINBACK TECAR Therapy is a great example of this.  We are one of few clinics in Ontario offering this therapeutic treatment and Dr. Ernie Bagnulo, our clinic owner and chiropractor, received specialized training in this therapy. TECAR...

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What is a Chiropractic Adjustment? 

By WIN Provider: Dr. Lauryn Friesen, Chiropractor   As a chiropractor one of the most common questions I am asked is: “What is a chiropractic adjustment?”. A chiropractic adjustment also known as spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) is a controlled act performed by a chiropractor.   Chiropractors spend 4 years during school learning how to adjust...

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Making The Most of the Joy of Spring

By WIN Provider: Dr. Laura Custode, Chiropractor March - the weather outside is no longer frightful but rather just gross. Dirty, grey, cold, damp. March is post-winter pre-spring and truly is a season of its own. This is the time of year when the days drag on and you can’t help but feel more tired....

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Pain and its Relationship to Structural Dysfunction

By WIN Provider: Elyse Silverman, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner   Pain is a subjective experience that occurs in the somatosensory cortex of your brain. When pain receptors are stimulated, the signal travels into your spinal cord and up to your brain to be interpreted in the frontal cortex (see image).   The pain pathways are part...

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Preventing & Addressing Insulin Resistance

By WIN Provider: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor   There is an increasing prevalence of insulin resistance, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes among Canadians.  Over my two decades of practice, I have observed this increase over the years as more patient visits include a review of blood work showing lab tests reflecting poor glucose management....

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Soft Tissue Injuries Need Some PEACE & LOVE

By WIN Provider: Dr. Conner Overstrom, Chiropractor   So, you are hiking on the weekend and step on a loose rock and “roll” your ankle, it is painful to walk on and the swelling in the injured area begins to accumulate. You hobble home and decide on the next steps for home care of your...

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Understanding Knee Pain

By WIN Provider: Dr. Jack Harman, Chiropractor One of the most common complaints I see in my practice is knee pain. For many people it seemingly starts out of nowhere with no injury preceding the pain. When pain starts happening for no apparent reason it can be even more frustrating than suffering an actual injury....

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Health Gut Punch!

By WIN Provider: Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, Chiropractor As the pandemic drudges on, the landscape of health and fitness has completely changed.  We are so heavily influenced by the “fitness” experts on social media that many people have completely missed the mark.  Not only have we lost sight as to why fitness is important, but we...

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Safe Shovelling For The Winter Season

By WIN Provider: Jeff Dill, Physiotherapist It’s that time of year again.  The temperatures drop, the days are short, and the ground is covered with the white stuff! Although pleasing to the eye, that snow that’s falling may not be so comforting to your back when it’s time to shovel.  As a physiotherapist, I usually...

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Taking Care of Yourself Over the Holidays and Setting Intentions for 2022

By WIN Provider, Dr. Lauryn Friesen, Chiropractor   I often find the last week of the year to be the busiest of all.  As it is very easy to get caught up in the hustle of the holidays I want to remind you of the importance of setting some time aside to slow down, take...

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Embracing The Experience of Change

By WIN Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor Change for many of us is a scary and uncertain obstacle that we technically place upon ourselves.  We jump to future problems/situations instead of looking at what is in front of us in the present moment.  We jump start our fight-flight reflex and never really let go.  This...

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How Osteopathic Treatment Can Help Defend Against Diseases 

By WIN Provider: Elyse Silverman, Manual Osteopathic Practitioner     Osteopathy is a science based on the idea that imbalances in the human structure directly contribute to the development of disease.  An osteopath is analogous to a mechanic for your body. Like any machine, structural integrity is fundamental to its ability to perform optimally.  ...

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The Principles of Osteopathy

By WIN Provider: Elyse Silverman, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner Osteopaths are trained extensively in anatomy and physiology to have a thorough understanding of how and why the body is structured the way it is. The efficacy of osteopathy is based on the inherent principle that structure governs function. Any variation from normal structure will lead to...

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Creatine Supplementation

By WIN Provider: Dr. Conner Overstrom, Chiropractor When the use of creatine as a performance supplement burst onto the scene in the 1990’s, it brought with it many myths and misconceptions. In recent years creatine supplementation has become one of the most researched performance supplements next to caffeine. In 2007, the International Society of Sports...

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Top Ways To Optimize Your Sleep 

By WIN Provider: Dana John Heimbecker, Registered Massage Therapist   “Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day” - From Sleep Expert Matthew Walker PhD    To further add, sleep is the ultimate recovery tool to help release stress & trauma, boost immunity and...

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Top tips to help prevent pain from desk work!

By WIN Provider: Dr. Lauryn Friesen, Chiropractor   1) Switch up the position you are sitting in. The best posture is a moving posture. The best position to sit in at your desk is one that is dynamic and changing. Changes in posture are very important because holding any one posture can become fatiguing on...

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What’s In An Adjustment?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Laura Custode, Chiropractor Cracking, popping, putting you ‘back into alignment’. What is happening when you are being adjusted? Do you have to be adjusted if you see a Chiropractor? Dr. Custode, one of the WIN Chiropractors at both the Niagara Falls and Fonthill clinics, is answering all of your questions about...

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Through the trenches on the war against pain

By WIN Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor For the great majority of us, we have experienced low back pain (LBP) at one point or another throughout our lives. For some, it was a one-off occurrence yet for some of us it ends up being a chronic issue. The current evidence tells us that LBP is...

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Is Wearing A Mask Making Your Jaw Tight?

By WIN Provider: Dr. Conner Overstrom, Chiropractor Over the past year and a half our lives have changed drastically. Social distancing, hand hygiene and mask wearing have become the new norm (although hand washing should have already been the norm). Since the onset of the pandemic I have heard many people having issues with jaw...

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Benefits of Cold Water Therapy

  By WIN Provider: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor (Licensed) Cold water therapy has been gaining much attention thanks to Wim Hoff, also known as The Iceman.   Wim has brought cold water therapy, deep breathing and other whole body therapeutics into this modern day.  People caught wind of what he was doing and through social...

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Naturopathic Doctors Fill A Gap In Health

Do you look for guidance before leaping into taking the latest and greatest natural remedies?

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Greetings From New WIN Chiropractor, Dr. Jack Harman

Using a dynamic approach that goes above and beyond classical spinal adjustments, Dr. Jack Harman is WIN’s newest chiropractor to join our team. Dr. Harman’s comprehensive approach includes Neurofunctional Assessments, Acupuncture, Soft Tissue Therapy, and is part of our team of Chiropractors who are the first in Canada to use the Neubie from Neufit system. Get to know Dr. Jack and his approach to treatment.

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Do The Evolution

Embracing new things and change can take your experience to a new level. Dr. Ernie talks about his ever evolving practice and how integrating new treatments is changing the patient experience for the better at WIN.

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Dr. Matthew Bird Shares Wise Insight For A New Year

Was 2019 brilliant or a bust? How can we reconcile all the ups and downs of the past year, the unfinished tasks, the goals that may or may not have come to fruition. Dr. Matthew Bird shares must read insight about how to see all of it and turn it into what we all need to live our best life each day.

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Dr. Nick's Challenge In The Spirit Of The Holidays

There’s more to chiropractic wellness than just focusing on musculoskeletal concerns. All of our chiropractors believe in the totality of health and that how we feel each day can change our wellbeing. Dr. Nicholas Slowinski truly appreciates the importance of positivity and connection, and because of this, his latest blog post is a call to action during this very special time of year to focus on what’s most important.

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Lateral Elbow Pain: You May Have "Tennis Elbow"

If you experience a pain in your elbow that started as a minor annoyance but has worsened over time, you may have a condition called “Tennis Elbow.” You don’t have to play tennis to develop this condition. Our WIN Physiotherapist, Jeff Dill, shares insight about what Tennis Elbow is, who’s most at risk for developing it and how it can be addressed.

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Live Dirty, Eat Clean: The Microbiome Is Everything

Dr. Laura wants everyone to live dirty and eat clean. Learn about what this has to do with your health!

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Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Why It Matters & How To Calculate It

Does a heart rate that is constant an indication of better health, or is a heart rate that is variable. Believe it or not, it’s the variable heart rate that is showing to be a hallmark of good health. Dr. Ernie Bagnulo shares insight on the very important study of Heart Rate Variablity (HRV) and how, in a world where stress and chronic illness is on the rise, this is more important than ever before to know about HRV and what it’s saying about your health.

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What Is Osteopathy?

Our newest WIN Provider, Lisa Venzon, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, shares an overview about what Osteopathy is, how it can help and what to expect from at treatment. Learn more about this great option for your self care and health care!

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Top 3 Things To Expect From Your Chiropractic Visit At WIN Health Solutions

The Chiropractors at WIN Health Solutions offer dynamic treatment options for your Musculoskeletal concerns. WIN Chiropractor, Dr. Matthew Bird, explains what you can expect from an individualized visit at WIN.

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Massage Guns: Do they work?

Massage guns are trending and they look like they offer a very promising deep tissue massage. But are they helpful? How do they work? Is there contraindications to consider? Our WIN Chiropractor, Dr. Nicholas Slowinski has a first hand understanding of how a massage gun may address muscle aches and pains, and also has experience in their therapeutic use. Read his latest article to get the a good understanding about the potential benefit they may have.

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Introducing Our New SECOND Clinic: WIN...altra

WIN is expanding to Fonthill! Read more about this new chapter for WIN!

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Cold & Flu Season Prep Checklist

  By WIN Contributor: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor Here are my MUST HAVES to get through the cold and flu season. These items are easy and simple to get and can be used by everyone. Having these items on hand can help prevent upper respiratory tract infections. They can also help move along your...

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Do The Twist: Easily Work On Your Mobility

Dr. Ernie talks with so many patients who feel an inability to move, especially decreased movement turning left or right. In his article, he recommends an extremely simple, yet tremendously effective, exercise you can do anywhere to help increase your ability to twist left and right.

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Movement Choices: Are Yours Leading To Peak Performance or Injury?

You may feel motivated to get moving or want to join some friends in a new group exercise class. Do you know if that activity is right for you? At WIN we all believe it’s important to move well and move often. It’s also just as important to know if the movement choices you make are ideal for you as an individual and if they’ll lead to good health or injury. In his latest article, WIN Chiropractor, Dr. Matthew Bird shares important insight about how to think about movement and how our Chiropractors can help you understand how to move optimally for the best outcomes.

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Fix Your Hips To Improve Your Mobility and Prevent Injury

Hip mobility is so important for strength, mobility and well being. Dr. Nicholas Slowinski gives a great everyday examples of how hip mobility can affect us, how we can work on our hips and what we can do to prevent injury .

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Hydration: Flushing Out The Filtered Water Options

To hydrate with filtered water or not? Which option is best? Many people wonder if there’s any merit to filtered water or if plain old tap water is just as good as the next thing? Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor, is talking all about “high quality H2O” in her article and sharing information to help you make the best choice when it comes to your hydration.

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Muscle Cramping: Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Muscle cramps are very common and most people have experienced them at one time or another. Our WIN Physiotherapist, Jeff Dill, reviews in his article what may cause muscle cramps and the options that can be considered to alleviate the tightness and pain associated with them.

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Better Movement, Better Life

The way we move significantly influences how we feel each day, what we can do and the quality of our life. Dr. Matthew Bird, WIN Chiropractor, helps education his patients each day so they can understand their unique anatomy, and how to move effectively to avoid injuries and to maximize their strength and wellbeing. He says, we never stop learning, so we shouldn’t give up on understanding and bettering our movement patterns. Read Dr. Bird’s article to learn hist three main tips for optimal movements and why everyone needs to ensure they’re moving well!

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The Importance of Scapular Stability

There is a great importance in the function and stability of the shoulder. Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, WIN Chiropractor, shares and insightful article on the benefits to ensuring shoulder health.

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Stomach Acid Medication Risks Other Diseases

Millions of Canadians take gastric reflux medication and now there is a report of how these medications are linked to illness and other health risks. Dr. Laura Imola addresses the concern of prolonged use of pharmaceuticals for common health concerns, the inevitable risks and the ability to resolve health concerns without them.

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More Than Just An Adjustment...WIN Chiropractors Offer Advanced Musculoskeletal Treatment Options

When you think of Chiropractic and you think just spinal adjustments, think again when considering one of our Chiropractic Team Members at WIN Health Solutions. Dr. Ernie Bagnulo reviews how he and the Chiropractors at WIN have broken down the classical notions of Chiropractic and go above and beyond each day to offer a vast number of different treatment options that are always individualized to each patient. You may be surprised to learn that these many great treatment options don’t involve spinal adjustments!

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Changing Times, Changing Minds?

How do you handle change, differences of opinion or claims that counter your lifestyle? WIN Chiropractor, Dr. Matthew Bird, takes note from the changing seasons and applies this to how change of thought in life can have life changing effects.

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Movie Night: An Enjoyed Way To Have Downtime Has Health Benefits

There is a balance between staying active and our go-go-go lifestyle and resting! We can feel the effects the winter season has on us, but making time to rest and recharge during can do a body good during the cold months of the year, and is just what the doctor ordered! Dr. Nicholas Slowinski’s recent article looks at the importance of downtime. Many of us don’t get enough of it, but he looks at how an enjoyed activity of relaxation can have health benefits!

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Your Gut Is The Centre Of The Universe

Your gut is the centre of your universe. Dr. Laura Imola shares how the digestive tract, a is a major source for our health and well being.

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A Pain In The Foot! ...Plantar Fasciitis

If you feel a pain in your foot, it could be plantar fasciitis. Our WIN Physiotherapist, Jeff Dill, discusses this painful foot condition and the treatment options that can be individualized to you that our WIN Physiotherapy Team can offer.

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We Got Your Back!

If you or a loved one experiences back pain or has a back injury, there are important things that everyone should know about back injuries, pain and treatment. Dr. Matthew Bird shares a comprehensive review of important back injury facts and what to do to reduce symptoms and back irritation at the time of injury.

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We Tried The AnthroDesk Sliding Standing Desk...Find Out What We Think!

We gave a new standing desk, from AnthroDesk, a test run. Dr. Ernie Bagnulo shares his thoughts on whether this standing desk was a beneficial option for our WIN Team member.

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What's Movember All About?

Dr. Nicholas Slowinski discusses the three focal health concerns of the Movember movement. His article is a must read for everyone… For men to learn more about the health concerns that are important in their lives, and for women who care about the health and wellbeing of their friends, spouse, sons and family members who are the men in their lives.

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Why Am I So Tired?

“Why am I so Tired?!” is a question that so many people struggle with. Dr. Laura has helped many people find that answer. Read on to see her run down of the biggest energy drainers that may be sucking the life out of your battery pack.

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Body Helix Offers An Impressive New Joint Support Technology

There is a new wave of joint support that is designed to help keep people active. Body Helix compression sleeves can be used proactively to prevent injury in sports, work and other activities, and can be also helpful for those with joint concerns and injuries. Dr. Ernie Bagnulo reviews this versatile therapeutic product and shares why feels Body Helix has got it right with their technology and design.

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Bursae: Pillows of Protection, But Painful When Injured

We have protective structures around major joints, that are similar to pillows filled with water. These structures, known as a Bursa, cushion the joints and reduce friction at those sites. When injured, either from a fall or repetitive use, this can lead to significant pain and inflammation. The WIN Physiotherapy Team have many options to help speed the healing of an injured Bursa. Learn more about the Bursa from our WIN Physiotherapist, Jeff Dill, as he discusses what the Bursae is, how they help and how to heal them when they are injured.

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Relative Energy Deficits in Sport (RED-S)

If you’re interested in training for optimal health, or if you’re an athlete striving for your best performance, check out Dr. Matthew Bird’s article on Relative Energy Deficits (RED-S). Being aware of RED-S helps ensure some very fundamental elements of your health health is in check to support your level of activity.

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Dr. Slowinski Explains How Self Care, Sleep and A Pain In The Neck Are Connected

How is self care, sleep and that nagging pain in the neck all connected? Dr. Nicholas Slowinski is part of our team of Chiropractors who believes in thinking more broadly about health for the good of his patients. Read on to discover Dr. Slowinski’s call to action for everyone seeking more optimal health, and to learn more about how he connects the dots between self care and musculoskeletal health.

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Dr. Laura's Top Stress Management Strategies

We’re all back to the swing of things this month with work, school, sports, events, you name it! Dr. Laura offers her top stress management lifestyle strategies to help you navigate life with a level head.

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Demystifying Sciatica

Sciatica is a very common concern that affects many people. WIN Physiotherapist, Jeff Dill, shares some tips and strategies that you can do at home to help alleviate the concerns associated with sciatica.

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Dr. Bird Reaches A Milestone And Reflects On His Past 10 Years

Dr. Matthew Bird, reflects as he reaches a milestone of being 10 years since graduating as a Chiropractor from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) and shares how he feels about his journey through the last decade.

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Keeping It Reel

Dr. Nicholas Slowinski wants everyone to reel it in and truly savour the summer. Find out his recommendations on just how to get the most out of our summer season in this week’s blog post.

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How Food Allergy Testing Reveal Sensitivities That Fly Under The Radar

Food allergy testing can test a large number to foods through a simple blood test. The results help zero in on which food may causing or contributing to a persistent health concern.

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Dr. Ernie's Top Tips For A Great Cycling Season

If you love being out on your bike as much as Dr. Ernie Bagnulo does, be sure to read his top tips for an enjoyable and safe riding season!

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WIN Physiotherapist Discusses A Common Running Injury Called I.T. Band Friction Syndrome

Running is a passion for our WIN Physiotherapist, Jeff Dill. In this article, he discusses a common running injury known as Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome (ITBFS). Jeff reviews the symptoms associated with ITBFS, shares some great tips to address this concern and therapeutic options to help resolve it.

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Dr. Matthew Bird's 30 Day Challenge!

Dr. Matthew Bird has a very timely 30 Day Challenge for all of us!  

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Get Inspired: Dr. Slowinski Shares How Morning Routine Can Lead To Success

Dr. Nicholas Slowinski shares what he does to make the most of each day... and he starts with one really simple and small step first thing in the morning.

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Alternatives To Statins For Cholesterol Management

Learn about effective drugless cholesterol management options.

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The Importance of Gluteal Activation

Did you know your gluteal muscles protect you from back issues and so much more?  Dr. Nicholas Slowinski has created a helpful video to strengthen gluteal activation along with an insightful article on the subject.

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Challenging Current Wisdom & Breaking Down Myths About Back Pain

What myths may you be holding on to regarding your back pain?  Dr. Matthew Bird breaks down the myths and builds up the important facts you need to know to overcome back concerns.

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Daily Stress & Suboptimal Health

Is your "Go-Go-Go" pace compromising your health?  Are you regularly facing stressors each day?  Which stressor is the "Saber-Toothed Cat" that's staring you down?  Do you feel stress is making you sick?  Research is revealing the connection between different health conditions and chronic stress.    

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3 Quotes To Your Best Health

Ready to live a healthier life?  Working on your health one step at a time?  What are the words that help motivate you or get you through when times are tough?  Dr. Laura shares the words that have helped her in her personal journey in health.

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Dr. Ernie On The Awesomeness of Acupuncture

Drawing from his years of experience with acupuncture in clinic, and training health professionals to use this therapy,  Dr. Ernie Bagnulo discusses the way acupuncture works and the benefit of it.

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Movement Is Connected To Much More Than Aches & Pains

Be sure to read Dr. Bird's fascinating article on how our body's movement influences whether a person will be healthy or unwell.

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Motivation To Do What Means The Most Is Free & Abundant

Finding a way to stay motivated, reach our goals and live our best life is right at our fingertips, and is abundant and free for everyone.

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Women, Men & Too Much Estrogen

Men and women can experience fatigue, bloating, low sex drive, mood changes, weight gain and much more due to estrogen dominance.

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Back To School Immune Boosting

Here's Dr. Laura's latest video with quick tips for back to school immune support for kids that she recommends in her practice and does with her own kids.

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Concussion Management At WIN Health Solutions

With new research about concussions, Dr. Matthew Bird, reviews the latest findings plus protocols and programs at WIN Health Solutions.

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Yogurt A Source Of Probiotics?

Is yogurt a source of probiotics?  Check out Dr. Laura's recent video to hear the latest about this topic.

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Tame The Beast - Rethinking Persistent Pain

Does chronic pain have you in it's grip?  Dr. Nick shares a fascinating video about pain and pain managment.

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What's The Flap About Flip Flops?

Flip flops can affect your feet and lower legs.  Dr. Nick shed's light on how this summer footwear can lead to common ailments.

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Allergies Ahead: It Takes One To One & Know What To Do About It

It takes one to know one... Dr. Laura talks allergies.  An allergy sufferer no more, and with her years of experience, Dr. Laura offers options for allergy relief and resolution.

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First Light, Live Bright

Dr. Bird shares the cool new thing he's doing first thing in the morning... and encouraging you to do something bright in the first light of the day.

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Don't Hit Snooze!

Dr. Ernie Bagnulo's call to action for making the most of these summer days that are full of potential!

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Get A Grip

Do you need to get a grip?  Dr. Nicholas Slowinski talks the importance of grip strength and the far reaching health benefits of grip strength. 

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Super Skin for the WIN

Looking to spruce up your skin as you get ready for the warmer season?  Dr. Laura Imola shares a simple, easy and quick strategy for WIN-ning skin that will benefit you year round.

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Dr. Laura's WIN Health Tips: Eat More Veg With Less Distress

A new video with health tips from Dr. Laura Imola!  Eat more veg with less stress... check it out!

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Manual Telepathy: Our WIN Niagara Falls Chiropractors' Super Abilities

Dr. Matthew Bird discusses how his comprehensive assessment approach will improve your treatment outcomes.

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Make Your Rolled Ankle Right With Chiropractic

  By WIN Contributor: Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, Chiropractor Chiropractors diagnose and treat conditions dealing with the many joints of the arms and legs. We commonly see various conditions of the shoulder, hip, knee, wrist…if it’s a joint in the body, we know how to help! When you “roll your ankle,” it’s also known as a...

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FREE Webinar! Preventing Hair Loss

Our WIN Niagara Naturopath Dr. Laura Imola and her good friend, Felice Valvano of Valvano Salon in St. Catharines, had a chat one day.  In their own fields of work, they both noticed that more and more people were talking to them about hair loss. Hair loss is something that people may not openly discuss...

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YOGA With Dr. Laura at Zen House!

Yoga with Dr. Laura Imola at Zen House Get your day started with an Ommmm Moment! Hatha - All Level Class Beginning Tuesday February 7th Every Tuesday - Early Morning Class - 6:00am - 7:00am Location: Zen House - 6150 Valley Way, Suite 101, Niagara Falls, ON Dr. Laura is so excited to be invited...

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Letting Your 2017 Health Goals Slide? Not So Fast! Read This First!

By WIN Contributor: Shauna Pierrynowski, PTA, RNCP As Dr. Nick wrote in his last blog post that most people give up on their healthy new year resolutions within the first fifteen days of making them… Being that it’s January 17th…I’m here to check in to see how your doing with sticking to your goals.  Are...

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Making Health Changes Stick For 2017

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, Chiropractor With the start of 2017 you may look back and wonder what you could have improved on last year?  Maybe you want to try something new, or even improve on something that you’ve been doing for a while.   In any case, resolutions made for a new year can...

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Top THREE Holiday Stress Busters From Dr. Nick our WIN Niagara Falls Chiropractor

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, Chiropractor We all feel some version of the holiday rush, whether it be the hustle and bustle of the shopping malls, last minute gift buying, late nights, early mornings... and don’t forget about that midnight wrapping you’ve procrastinated about.  Lets face it; the holidays can be stressful times! Good...

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Updating Your Body's Software With Niagara Falls Chiropractic

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor In a previous post, I discussed the two fundamental approaches to treatment, Duct Tape and WD 40, which people require when dealing with nagging musculoskeletal ailments. At WIN Health Solutions Niagara, these two approaches for treating commonly observed ailments are easily assessed by one of our manual therapists....

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Mo, Mo, Mo... Movember at WIN

Spearheaded by Dr. Nick, the men of WIN are going to support Men's Health, by joining this month's Movember movement.  This is right up our alley! Movember is a fun and playful initiative to help raise awareness and charitable funds for the most prominant health issues faced by men, most notably prostate cancer, and also...

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WIN Awesome Doctor Feature: Dr. Matthew Bird

By WIN Contributor: Lora D., WIN Receptionist Dr. Matthew Bird, or as we affectionately call him, Dr. Matt, completed his undergraduate degree in Human Kinetics at the University of Guelph.  He received his degree of Doctor of Chiropractic after attending the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in Toronto.  His years of exceptional work was recognized when he...

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23 Questions: Extended Edition With Dr. Ernie of WIN Health Solutions Niagara

Back by popular demand is our latest *extended* edition of 23 Questions with WIN Chiropractor and clinic owner, Dr. Ernie Bagnulo.  We had a lot of fun making this little video with Dr. Ernie.  Special thanks to Karen Evers, WIN PTA & Kinesiologist, for all her help!

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TMJ: A Pain In The Jaw? It Doesn't Have To Be!

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, Chiropractor Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are a class of disorders, which affect the muscles we use for chewing and the hinge joint in our jaw, the temporomandibular joint. This type of condition is one of the most common causes of pain in the mouth and face and has the potential...

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The Path To Optimal Health Is Not A Straight Line

By WIN Contributor; Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor I was recently asked* by "Rewire Me" to write an article for their readers that focused on personal transformation which drew from my years of work and life experience.  I wrote on a topic that was near and dear to me: how the path toward optimal health, including...

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Immune Superhero: Get Your Top Training Tips Here

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor Are you a honing your immune super-strength yet for the winter?  Do you have a little superhero at home that needs to develop their cold and flu busting potential?  This is the time to put our germ fighting super-suits on and boldly trek forward into the cold...

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Back Rules For Back To School

  By WIN Contributor: Dr. Nick Slowinski, Chiropractor The Ontario Chiropractic association has some solid suggestions when picking out a backpack and how to wear it correctly.  Here are some of their great tips to help kids and parents start the school year off right! HEALTHY BACKPACK WEARING Pack it properly: Make sure the backpack contains only...

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Dr. Nicholas Slowinski On Purpose Driven Chiropractic

By WIN contributor: Nancy H, Reception Team Member There is so much that has changed about chiropractic treatment.  Are you up to speed?  Get a fresh view about chiropractic care from our newest team member, Dr. Nicholas Slowinski.  Dr. Nick is a licensed chiropractor, is accepting new patients and is available to also assist our...

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WIN Health Solutions Niagara Warmly Welcomes Dr. Nicholas Slowinski To Our Team

  Welcome Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, BScKin (Hons, DC, DAP, CSCS We warmly welcome our newest team member and WIN professional, Dr. Nicholas Slowinski! Dr. Nick (as we affectionately now call him) grew up in St. Catharine's and attended university right here at Brock, where he obtained his Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with Honours.  He went on...

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Favourite Summer Fitness from The WIN Health Solutions Niagara Team

With the beautiful summer weather and residing in the lively Niagara region it's easy to be active and enjoy the scenery that our city has to offer. The providers at WIN Health Solutions Niagara are enjoying the summertime for some of their most favourite activities.  They share how they stay and have fun during the...

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Niagara Falls Chiropractic: Keeping Your Head in the Game!

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor Since 2010 there has been a dramatic increase in the awareness of concussions associated with sports and within the workplace. This awareness has sparked a significant increase in research on the diagnosis and management of concussions. Clinically, concussions are termed mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), but to compound...

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WIN Health Solutions races to support Project Share

By WIN Contributor: Nancy V, Reception Team Member Just as we cheer on and encourage our patients to reach their highest potential and go for their own personal gold, the WIN team raced for gold to support Project Share.  Under the Friday night lights, the WIN team set out to show off our driving skills...

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Which Is Better: Three Meals vs Frequent Small Meals?

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor Niagara Falls I have an eclectic approach and use a variety of therapeutics in my Niagara Falls Naturopathic practice to help optimize the health of my patients.  However, I have been committed to a journey in nutrition both personally and professionally. Dating back to my early days as...

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Niagara Falls Chiropractic Class IV Laser Therapy

  By WIN Contributor: Dr. Ernie Bagnulo, Chiropractor Here at WIN Health Solutions Niagara, we utilize Laser Therapy as method of helping pain and inflammation.   This is not just ANY Laser Therapy device, we use a Class IV Laser machine made by LiteCure.  This is the most powerful and advanced Laser Therapy machine on the...

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WIN Patient Appreciation: We Tell You How We Really Feel!

  By Nancy H, WIN Reception Team Member APPRECIATE - - - DEFINITION:: to understand the worth or importance of (something or someone) : to admire and value (something or someone): to be grateful for (something) On February 29, we at WIN Health Solutions celebrated our “Patient Appreciation Day”. In our true WIN fashion, it included balloons in...

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How your Heart can benefit from Massage Therapy

By WIN Contributor:  Phil Rowland, RMT, ART provider, Certified Personal Trainer As we close out February we take one last look at how to improve heart health.  Visits with your Niagara Falls WIN Registered Massage Therapist can have a positive effect on your heart health. Your heart is a large muscle.  Stress can limit its activity...

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The Heart Happiness Factor

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor Stress can be a major influence on chronic illness, especially heart disease.  A great way to neutralize stress is to find ways to increase our feeling of wellbeing and happiness day to day. The little things we can do each day may seem like David going up...

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Whole Lot Of Heart: How Dr. Bird Stays Heart Healthy

  By WIN Contributor: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor In the spirit of Heart Health month and Valentines Day, here are the top 6 ways I promote a healthy heart in my life and advise to those I inspire everyday in clinic. Cardiovascular disease is still one of the top issues we as North Americans face leading...

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Supporting and Celebrating Patients

By Nancy V., WIN Reception Team Member We enjoy getting to know our patients and it is our goal to know each patient by name.  We’re always happy to hear stories about their adventurous weekends, the birth of new babies, new pets, engagements and weddings, and especially vacation plans. I am hear to lend an...

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How Dr. Ernie Bagnulo Sticks To His Health Goals

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Ernie Bagnulo, Chiropractor Winter is (finally) coming!!!   As is the cold and the snow.  It has always seemed perplexing to me that this is time of year we choose to make resolutions for the year. This is not the most ideal time of year for weather, given the colder temperatures, the...

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WINing 2016: Sticking to your healthy start

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor A new year, a fresh start.  So many of us use the new year as motivation to fine tune or evolve the way we take care of ourselves.  We resolve to eat better, exercise regularly, get to bed earlier and much more. I find that the best...

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Why everyone can benefit from regular WIN Massage Therapy

By WIN Contributor:  Phil Rowland, RMT, ART provider, Certified Personal Trainer Most people would agree a massage makes them feel good. But many probably don't realize exactly how good a regular massage is for their overall health. Massage can improve performance, aid recovery, prevent and eliminate injuries, reduce stress and enhance metabolism and circulation! While new...

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Holiday Stress & Anxiety Busters: A Niagara Falls Naturopathic Doctor's Top Tips

  By Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor The holidays should be a happy time of year.  The sparkle and magic of the season is in the air and represented by the all the twinkle lights and festive decorations.  However, there can be elements to the holidays that can be stressful for most people.  Whether it's...

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Niagara Falls Chiropractic and Movement Variability

  By WIN Contributor: Dr. Matthew Bird, WIN Chiropractor Every day, I am amazed at the amount of movement variability I see at the clinic, at athletic events, and in the busy streets of our community. Variability is a common and natural feature of human movement and, when optimized within the human body, it will...

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Panoramic View of WIN Niagara Falls Wellness Clinic

  By WIN Contributor: Nancy VanDemark, Reception Team Member WIN Health Solutions presents a very open and welcoming environment. Whether you are coming in for Chiropractic care, Naturopathic Medicine, Physiotherapy, Massage therapy or Personal Training, you will find the very best here. The reception team is devoted to having our warmth and friendliness start at the front...

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niagara falls and font hill physiotherapy clinic

Shockwave At WIN: A Niagara Falls Chiropractic Solution

  At WIN we offer the very best technology and treatment modalities to our patients.  The Storz Duolith Ultra Shockwave Therapy is just one example of this.   By WIN Contributor: Dr. Ernie Bagnulo What do Rotator Cuff tendon injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, Tennis Elbow, Jumpers Knee and all have in common? All can be treated...

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niagara falls and font hill physiotherapy clinic

Chickpea Curry & Cauliflower Rice - Nutrition Natural Therapies Niagara

If you are looking for a quick, easy, veggie packed meal, check out my recipe for Chickpea Curry.  It's a nutritious one pan recipe that is sure to fit the bill when it comes to comfort food.  I paired this with Cauliflower Rice, a grain-free option that serves as great base for this curry that...

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niagara falls and font hill physiotherapy clinic

Niagara Naturopath Asks: Do You Favour Proactive or Reactive Medicine?

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor Do you take a proactive approach to sustaining good health or do you prefer a "Wait and See" approach? A a Niagara Falls Naturopathic Doctor I educate my patients with an old adage: "The best way to not get sick is to stay healthy".  When seek out...

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niagara falls and font hill physiotherapy clinic

A PAIN IN THE BUTT, LEG & HIP: WIN Niagara Falls Massage Therapy Solutions

By WIN Contributor:  Phil Rowland, RMT, ART provider, Certified Personal Trainer Often, when a person complains of hip and back pain, the go-to diagnosis is sciatica. Sciatica is actually a very specific source of pain and refers to an irritation of the sciatic nerve. “True” sciatica is a compression of one or more of its...

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niagara falls and font hill physiotherapy clinic

Spinal Manipulation and Postural Control

By WIN Contributor: Dr. Matthew Bird The fact that humans are able to stand against gravity in the vertical plane is a miracle in itself. Viewed as an inverted pendulum, the human body almost defies basic physical elements of force. Further complicating this fact are the multiple linkages within the body (joints) and the numerous...

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niagara falls and font hill physiotherapy clinic

Upcoming Events with Dr. Laura Imola

It has been a really exciting month with a number of events that I've been so fortunate to participate in.   I have my last two events for the fall to invite you to! Tea Blending Party at Novel Teas in Niagara Falls When: Friday October 2nd from 12:00-1:00 Where: Novel Teas - 4400 Queen Street, Niagara...

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niagara falls and font hill physiotherapy clinic

Best Muffins Ever!

Best muffins ever! Here is my recipe for the best muffin ever!  These muffins are moist, delicious, satisfying and PACKED with nutrition.  I developed this recipe while trying to figure out a healthy, highly nutritious snack to pack in my children's lunches.  It just so happened that I love these muffins, too! Regular purchased muffins...

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