The next wave of pollen is on it’s way with ragweed season approaching.  One last big bloom of the summer starts in August and ends with the first frost.  For many people with allergies, this casts a damper on the last few weeks of summer.  It also can be a major irritant to contend with as new routines are started with back to school and back to work for some.

I know how bothersome allergies can be… as a kid through to my early 20s, I had severe seasonal allergies.  My parents were as proactive as they possibly could be and we regularly attended visits with my family doctor and my Allergist to try different options for relief.  Ragweed season was rough and even with allergy medicine, steroid inhalers, steroid nasal spray and allergy shots, tried season after season, my symptoms would inevitably crop up again, never resolving.

What changed in my early 20s is that I started to study Naturopathic Medicine and discovered a different approach…  a way that strengthened and balanced what was going on in my respiratory tract, which led to the resolution of my seasonal allergies.

I still remember how awful my allergies made me feel.  It’s been a long time since I’ve had to deal with them, but I get how annoying they can be for the 25% of Canadians who experience seasonal allergies. (1)

If you haven’t already, check out this little video about how a Naturopathic Doctor offers a fresh perspective, comprehensive assessment and individualized treatment for seasonal allergies.

Many people respond positively to the drugless options available for allergies and find they become less reliant and even can become independent of “having to take something” just like I have.  These options can lessen the need for over the counter or prescription allergy medication, or medical interventions required, for children and adults alike. 

To explore the safe and effective options for seasonal allergy relief that are a good fit for you, it would be my pleasure to help.  To get started, give our clinic a call at 905.354.0267 and our receptionists will be happy to provide more information.


1. Keith, K K, Desrosiers, M, Laister, T, et. al. The burden of allergic rhinitis (AR) in Canada: perspectives of physicians and patients. Allergy Asthma Clin Immuol. 2012; 8(1):7