Health CareHealthy livingNaturopathic MedicineUncategorizedWellness Perimenopause and Menopause By WIN Provider: Dr. Helen Kim, Naturopathic Doctor During perimenopause and menopause, your body experiences…Dr. Laura Imola8 June 2023
Health CareNaturopathic MedicineWellness Super Skin for the WIN Looking to spruce up your skin as you get ready for the warmer season? Dr.…Dr. Laura Imola29 May 2017
ChiropractorExerciseFitnessHealth CareWellness Top THREE Holiday Stress Busters From Dr. Nick our WIN Niagara Falls Chiropractor By WIN Contributor: Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, Chiropractor We all feel some version of the holiday…Dr. Laura Imola22 December 2016
ChiropractorHealth CareWellness Updating Your Body’s Software With Niagara Falls Chiropractic By WIN Contributor: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor In a previous post, I discussed the two…Dr. Laura Imola11 November 2016
ChiropractorHealth CareTeam WINWIN Fun Mo, Mo, Mo… Movember at WIN Spearheaded by Dr. Nick, the men of WIN are going to support Men's Health, by…Dr. Laura Imola7 November 2016
ExerciseFemale HealthFitnessHealth Carehealthy eatingNaturopathic MedicineNutritionWIN Fun The Path To Optimal Health Is Not A Straight Line By WIN Contributor; Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor I was recently asked* by "Rewire Me" to…Dr. Laura Imola4 October 2016
ChiropractorHealth CareTeam WINWellnessWIN Fun Dr. Nicholas Slowinski On Purpose Driven Chiropractic By WIN contributor: Nancy H, Reception Team Member There is so much that has changed…Dr. Laura Imola26 August 2016
ChiropractorTeam WINWellnessWIN Fun WIN Health Solutions Niagara Warmly Welcomes Dr. Nicholas Slowinski To Our Team Welcome Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, BScKin (Hons, DC, DAP, CSCS We warmly welcome our newest…Dr. Laura Imola19 August 2016
ChiropractorExerciseFitnessHealth CareNaturopathic MedicinePersonal TrainingPhysiotherapyRunningTeam WINWellnessWIN Fun Favourite Summer Fitness from The WIN Health Solutions Niagara Team With the beautiful summer weather and residing in the lively Niagara region it's easy to…Dr. Laura Imola21 July 2016
ChiropractorHealth Care Niagara Falls Chiropractic: Keeping Your Head in the Game! By WIN Contributor: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor Since 2010 there has been a dramatic increase…Dr. Laura Imola9 June 2016