ChiropractorHealth CareWellness Updating Your Body’s Software With Niagara Falls Chiropractic By WIN Contributor: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor In a previous post, I discussed the two…Dr. Laura Imola11 November 2016
ExerciseFemale HealthFitnessHealth Carehealthy eatingNaturopathic MedicineNutritionWIN Fun The Path To Optimal Health Is Not A Straight Line By WIN Contributor; Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor I was recently asked* by "Rewire Me" to…Dr. Laura Imola4 October 2016
Team WINWellnessWIN Fun WIN Health Solutions races to support Project Share By WIN Contributor: Nancy V, Reception Team Member Just as we cheer on and encourage…Dr. Laura Imola3 June 2016
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Naturopathic MedicineWellness Holiday Stress & Anxiety Busters: A Niagara Falls Naturopathic Doctor’s Top Tips By Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor The holidays should be a happy time of…Dr. Laura Imola2 December 2015
Health CareNaturopathic MedicineWellness Niagara Naturopath Asks: Do You Favour Proactive or Reactive Medicine? By WIN Contributor: Dr. Laura Imola, Naturopathic Doctor Do you take a proactive approach to…Dr. Laura Imola22 October 2015