By WIN Contributor: Dr. Ernie Bagnulo, Chiropractor
It’s something I strive for each and every morning but, “its…so…hard” not to. I’m talking about that snooze button, the prelude to the most glorious nine minutes of sleep we all enjoy. But it could be our hindrance to a productive and effective day.
It has been suggested that those who rise early, exercise, and plan their day before most of the world is “wide awake” are the happiest, most energetic and most successful. But the key is not to just “rise and shine” a couple hours before the work day…The key is to also get to sleep at a reasonable time and be rested in order to be productive.
Now, I don’t write this blog because I practice what I preach…au contraire! I struggle against that urge to press snooze as much as anyone, and in most cases, it often gets the best of me. But, the reason I write this is to challenge myself and the rest of you reading this to set your alarm early, get to bed and don’t hit snooze!
This summer season… let’s work on being more productive by getting out of bed earlier than necessary.
In fact, I have just be introduced to a great new book entitled, “The Miracle Morning: The Not So Obvious Secret Guaranteed To Transform Your Life Before 8am” by Hal Elrod. There is no better time of year than now to get out of bed earlier, with the sun shining, and be more productive. Let’s try and change our production levels together. We can do it!