Pickleball is sweeping across Canada, captivating hearts and energizing communities with its engaging mix of tennis, badminton, and table tennis elements. In Niagara, the sport’s popularity has soared, with new courts popping up to accommodate growing interest. This fast-paced game attracts players of all ages, offering a fun, competitive way to stay active. However, with the increased activity comes a higher risk of sport-specific injuries.


The Appeal of Pickleball

What makes pickleball particularly appealing is its accessibility and inclusive nature. While it was once predominantly thought of as a sport for older adults, it has rapidly evolved to attract a diverse audience, including a significant number of younger players. The sport’s simplicity and the minimal equipment required make it easy for anyone to start playing. The sport also fosters a strong community spirit, bringing people of all ages together for regular play, tournaments, and social events.


Common Injuries in Pickleball

Like any sport, pickleball players face certain injury risks, especially if they play frequently or without proper technique. Common injuries include:

  • Ankle Sprains: Quick changes in direction can lead to rolling or twisting the ankle.
  • Shoulder Pain: Overhead shots and repetitive use can strain shoulder muscles.
  • Elbow Tendinitis: Often referred to as “tennis elbow,” this affects players due to the repetitive motion of the paddle.
  • Knee Injuries: Sudden stops and starts can put pressure on the knees, leading to various issues.

Understanding these risks is the first step toward prevention and ensures that players can enjoy the game without interruption.


Injury Prevention Tips

To minimize the risk of injury while playing pickleball, consider the following tips:

  • Proper Warm-Up: A dynamic warm-up prepares your body for the physical activity to come and helps prevent injuries. Begin with light jogging or brisk walking to increase your heart rate and blood flow to muscles. Follow up with dynamic stretches such as leg swings, arm circles, and gentle lunges. These exercises improve flexibility and range of motion, particularly in the legs and arms, which are critical areas of movement in pickleball.
  • Right Equipment: Using the appropriate equipment is crucial in avoiding injuries. Invest in high-quality pickleball shoes that provide adequate support and cushioning. Shoes with good grip can prevent slips and falls on the court surface. Additionally, select a paddle that fits your hand comfortably and is not too heavy, as using a paddle that is too large or heavy can lead to muscle strain and overexertion. Proper grip size and paddle weight enhance your control and reduce stress on your arm and shoulder joints.
  • Technique and Form: Proper playing techniques are essential for preventing injuries. Incorrect posture or improper stroke mechanics can lead to strain and pain. Take the time to learn correct stroke techniques and body positioning, either through lessons with a qualified instructor or by watching tutorials from experienced players. Focusing on how to move and position your body correctly during play can significantly reduce strain on muscles and joints, lowering your risk of injuries like tennis elbow or shoulder impingement.
  • Hydration and Breaks: Maintaining hydration is key to optimal muscle function and injury prevention. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after play, especially on warm days to prevent dehydration. Additionally, schedule regular breaks during your game sessions to rest and recuperate. Taking breaks is particularly important during long play sessions, as fatigue can lead to a decrease in concentration and technique, increasing the likelihood of injury.

By adhering to these preventive tips, you can enjoy pickleball while keeping your risk of injury low, ensuring that every game is as enjoyable as it is safe.


How WIN Health Performance Centre Can Help

At WIN Health Performance Centre, we understand the physical demands of pickleball and offer a range of services to keep players in top shape:

  • Physiotherapy: Our physiotherapists specialize in diagnosing and treating sports injuries, helping you recover faster and prevent future issues. They can also guide you through tailored fitness programs to strengthen the muscles most used in pickleball, improving your overall endurance and agility.
  • Neubie Therapy: Neubie Therapy, or Neuro-Bio-Electric Stimulation, is a revolutionary treatment that uses direct current to target neuromuscular pathways, promoting faster and more effective healing. This therapy helps retrain muscles, reduce pain, increase circulation, and enhance muscle strength and performance. It’s especially beneficial for pickleball players recovering from injuries or looking to improve their athletic capabilities. By stimulating muscle contractions and enhancing blood flow, Neubie Therapy accelerates recovery and boosts overall muscle function, making it an excellent addition to any athlete’s rehabilitation and training regimen.
  • Nutritional Advice: Our Naturopathic Doctors provide personalized nutritional guidance to support an active lifestyle, ensuring you have the energy you need to play and recover.
  • Advanced Treatment Options: For chronic issues or faster recovery, treatments like Shockwave Therapy and Class IV Laser Therapy can be effective.


Pickleball offers a fantastic way to stay active and socialize, but like any sport, it carries a risk of injury. By taking the right precautions and utilizing services like those offered at WIN Health Performance Centre, you can enjoy all the benefits of pickleball without the setbacks of injury. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, taking care of your body is crucial.

If you’re experiencing discomfort from pickleball or want to learn more about injury prevention, consider visiting WIN Health Performance Centre. Our team is here to help you stay healthy, mobile, and ready for your next game.