By WIN Provider: Dr. Matthew Bird, Chiropractor

Change for many of us is a scary and uncertain obstacle that we technically place upon ourselves.  We jump to future problems/situations instead of looking at what is in front of us in the present moment.  We jump start our fight-flight reflex and never really let go.  This tends to keep us in a constant loop of worry, anxiousness, and fear.  A fear focused state lends itself to a host of problematic issues that directly affects our health and wellbeing. Our reality that we consciously view is a mirror of our inner beliefs playing out in front of us. There are many lessons to take away from what we see and are generally a lesson for us, as an individual, to improve how we act on our own life’s path.


When was the last time you were truly present?  Embracing to simple joys that life can bring. With Christmas time nearly upon us, look to the youth to remind you of how simple happiness can be.  Listen for the sounds of true present joy from the laughter of children playing, the peacefulness of the tranquil sounds of a nature or the merriment of the gathering of close friends and family.  Also, recognize the efforts of hard work and commitment through your chosen struggles of life.  Change may not be easy, but life isn’t meant to be easy. Through focused attention we must dig deep and embrace the hardships to express our truest potential. Don’t let other people dictate your “failures” but learn and make changes along the way to reach your goals. There is however, a subtle difference between working towards a result and thinking and feeling from it. Working towards “something” leads itself to an open-ended and never-ending journey marked by set milestones as we get closer to our accomplishments. In our minds we are always “on our way” to the objective rather than experiencing the desired accomplishment. Without a doubt, reality changes in the presence of our focus and the more we focus, the greater the change of our “reality”.


We all carry a unique set of characteristics that set us up as individuals and helps bridge relationships for not only our own goals in life yet the collective of a community. Each of our subjective observations/truths in life are also met with our own participatory role in forming such realities. Mistakes are inevitable but not necessarily set in stone as we are all human and through our collective, we are able to balance the aspects of chaos and malevolence through a commitment of good character development and order.


So, through your participatory role as an individual how will you view your reality? Will you see room for change? Will you act on and work through the struggles that comes with change? We all have a role to play no matter how big or small that role may be. Don’t displace blame or responsibility as opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated.


Christmas time is the time of year where we should all rejoice and recognize that the quality of life starts at the individual level and grows outward through positive affirmations and emotions of joy, love, and gratitude. Our emotional state determines the electromagnetic fields that we emit which directly affects our reality and thus those that are around us. For the rest of the month, I challenge you all to lift your own spirits, take your role as an individual to not only better yourself but those in your community. The WIN Health team has made extraordinary changes as a commitment to you, our clientele, and are here to help you express your truest and greatest potential!!


Happy Holiday Season!!!!!!


Dr. Matthew Bird