By WIN Provider: Dr. Lauryn Friesen, Chiropractor


1) Switch up the position you are sitting in. The best posture is a moving posture.

The best position to sit in at your desk is one that is dynamic and changing. Changes in posture are very important because holding any one posture can become fatiguing on your muscles, joints and ligaments. While seated at your desk try to make small adjustments to the position you are seated in a couple times per hour. Notice where you are holding tension and release it, relax your shoulders away from your ears, and relax your jaw. If you have a sit to stand desk, switch from sitting to standing and vice versa every hour.

2) Take movement breaks every 30 minutes.

Take standing and movement breaks after every 30 minutes of sitting.

Download the app “Stand Up!” which is a work break timer, that will nicely remind you to get up and move a little every 30 minutes. Staying hydrated will also help remind you to move as more hydration leads to more bathroom breaks and therefore more movement. During these movement breaks stand up, go for a lap around the office, do a couple mobility exercises or stretches, and then sit back down. Your body and your brain will thank you for these little movement breaks.

Checkout some of my favourite thoracic mobility exercises by following the link:


3) Have an ergonomic workspace.

Ergonomic Workspace Tips:

  • Position your monitor so the top of your monitor/screen is at eye level – sit with your neck in a neutral position.
  • Sit in a chair that has good lumbar (low back support) so the curve in the chair fits to your lower back.
  • Allow your arms to hang naturally from your side, with your shoulders relaxed and your elbows bent to about 90 degrees.
  • If you are reading documents or papers at your desk use a document holder so you do not need to look down to read.
  • If mouse work is a major part of your job: switch hands and switch mouse types every other day. Example: Monday mouse right hand. Tuesday mouse left hand. Wednesday track ball mouse right hand. Thursday trackball mouse left hand etc.
  • When using a mouse make sure your forearm and elbow are supported, and your wrist is in a neutral position.


4) If you are experiencing back or neck pain from desk work, come in and see one of the Chiropractors at WIN Health Clinic and we would be happy to help.