By Dr. Nicholas Slowinski, Chiropractor

Niagara winters can be long, cold, and well…grey. Fluctuating weather and long work weeks may have us longing for joyous activities that we can do more readily in the spring. Let’s face it, our inability to be patient can really be draining. Furthermore grey skies, a faint drizzle, or a surprise snow fall on the forecast can really be a deterrent from doing the things that have been getting us through these winter months. The things we enjoy such as exercising, getting to the gym, getting outside, spending time with friends or family, etc., may have become more difficult to do…especially if roads are bad. If you’ve felt this way at some point over the course of this long winter, you would not be alone, it happens to the best of us.

Perhaps it isn’t all that bad, though?


Imagine this…all you need to decompress, to escape the dreaded winter blahs, and to recharge your batteries, is in the confines of your home!

Pretty wild concept right!

Well guess what, it’s the truth. So let’s reintroduce a forgotten ideawhen going out and getting moving is not possible, why force it.?

That’s right, I’m suggesting if you are feeling burnt out by winter, don’t go out and get after it…STAY IN! Decompress with one of the most wholesome and somewhat forgotten at home activities, FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT!

Now although the days of rushing to blockbuster on Friday evenings to pick up the next hot movie on DVD or VHS are long gone since the dawn of Netflix, the excitement that this activity used to bring to us as kids doesn’t have to stop. Movie night can be just what the doctor ordered. So lets do it right with the following steps…

1.     Company:

Now unless a night of solitude is what you’re looking for, watching a movie can be a great low-key way to spend time with others. Family, friends, loved ones, and of course your favourite “four legged” companions always make watching a movie at home more enjoyable.

2.     Comfort Is King

One of the best parts of movie nights at home is it doesn’t need to be fancy. That’s right, that means you can ditch the trendy outfit and throw on pyjamas, or the staple beaten up pair of blue jeans with the faded t-shirt. Now that you have that figured out, turn your movie room into a theatre, make sure you’ve got all the blankets and pillows you might need for everyone to be comfortable. Don’t forget to add your own homie touches that make you feel at home. A few personal favourites of mine include a salt lamp and a diffuser with some essential oils because… why not.

3.     Queue Up The Movie

Ok now it’s 2019, and yes, we have the ability to stream content from a multitude of sources but you should still have a battle plan. Once you have decided on a movie get it ready to go so all you need to do is push play and enjoy. This means you can now focus on arguably the most important part of movie night…

4.     Dinner and/or Snacks

Now nothing solidifies a good movie night like the spread. Dinner and a movie just works well together but now is when you can get creative. Homemade pizza is a personal favourite of mine. Feel free to pair it with your favourite glass of resveratrol (red). If your more into the after dinner snack side of things, know that chips and pop are overrated. Instead opt for more healthy choices such as veggies and hummus. If you’re more of a sweet tooth however, there are still options. Try throwing some grapes in the freezer, its just like candy but better for you!

While so many of us are go, go, go and are seeking to make the most of our time, our body needs rest and time to replenish. Remember to always build that into your lifestyle, and take advantage of this time of year to be sure you enjoy the health benefits of downtime, especially with a good movie!